Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Math for Joe The Plumber. . . .

The Republican party has done a wonderful job of scaring a good portion of uninformed America into thinking that Obama's tax plan will create an impact in their pocket book. The Dems have rebutted (not hardly to the degree that in my opinion, they should), but still there exists this "fear" amongst uninformed Americans that raising taxes will affect their coin purse. So here's a little math for uninformed America on how taxes work.

1. If you don't make more than $200K, stop reading and start writing. Write a letter to Obama saying thank you for letting me keep more of my check. All of you (95% of America in fact) will reap financial benefits from the new tax plans Obama is proposing.

2. Your stated tax rate isn't what you actually pay. Taxes are tiered. So in essence, you pay a certain rate for up to this amount of money you made, and another rate for the amount of money you made after that amount . . and so on and so forth. This is the real hang up that Repubs use to scare people. If I told you I was going to raise your taxes by 5%, and I currently take 25% and you make $70K. . .doing SIMPLE math, you would say, "not voting for you, your'e trying to take an additional $3.5K of my dough!". Problem is taxes are never done this way! Here's an example!

Let's assume I make $70K. So, if I want to figure my federal income taxes for the year, you just multiply my taxable income by .25 and there you have it! Well . . . not really!

The .25 is multiplied by the amount of taxable income that I earn ABOVE $63,700. Different rates are applied to the amount I earn BELOW $63,700.

I would pay a 10% tax on the first $15,650 of our income. ($1,565)

I would pay a 15% tax on the next $48,050 of our income. ($7207.50)

I would pay a 25$ tax on the next $6,300 of our income. ($1575)

If my taxable income was $70,000, my total federal income taxes would be $10,347.50.

Our EFFECTIVE tax rate would be 14.78%. That means, even though your stated tax rate is 25%, you're only giving up 14.78% of your hard earned cash (Ask Governor Palin about this . . . they only paid an EFFECTIVE rate of about 10% last year).

But as I stated earlier, the average uninformed American has no clue about this. Coupled with the fact that the above example assumes no deductions, write offs, etc. were included. Add those bad boys in (see Palin's husband who by the time he got done had nearly $55K in deductions on his $60K salary!).

There is nothing more deplorable than a person who takes what he/she is told as truth and bases their decisions on it without giving it a second thought or the least bit of scrutinity.

Knowledge STILL is power!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

They're not racist. . . .they're just white.

This is not a "badger white people" post. If you take it as that, it's simply because you haven't read the post in it's entirety or perhaps I haven't clearly communicated my thoughts. Either way, the intent is not to badger any person because of they're color.

I tell people all the time that I am purposely naive. Being such soothes me. It permits me to allow people to make mistakes because my opinion of them isn't yet tarnished by preconceptions based on their look or what I've heard. I say this as a preface to the path of thought I'm about to embark on.

Race, in a manner which invokes emotions of troubling times of yester year, has come to head like a visible pimple on the face of America on Prom Night. It's not pretty and as much as you attempt to squeeze the puss out, the mark is still there. The election of a black President has brought joy to most of us, uncertainty to some of us and anger to a small few of us. I will not bore you with a prologue on those who are joyous in celebration and the reason why they should be. Nor will I dull you by scolding those who are of the small few which are angered that a man of color and of a unfamiliar reflection will hold the world's most coveted seat of power.

However, I will spend some time on those of us who are uncertain on how they should feel about our next President being a black man. To be uncomfortable with different isn't racist. It is rather natural. To continue being uncomfortable with different is the choice to be ignorant and in turn may be the choice to be racist.

I have no problem with those that are uncomfortable with different . I often find myself in this state. These people aren't racist . . . they're just white. For so long they have become accustomed to a certain standard of how things should go. It is a template that has held true for most of this countries existence in white America. White men and women will likely go to college, marry, have 2.3 children, earn a nice living, put those 2.3 children through college, assist rearing their grandchildren, retire with a substantial 401k and . . . . their President will be a white male. Is this assumption so ridiculous? The 43 Presidents before have been white males, some holding this office on numerous occasions. I don't feel as if persons who maintain these assumptions are racist . . . they're just white.

I once had a white person for which I spent a considerable amount of time with as a result of being teammates on my college bball team ask me why do I brush my hair. He assumed that after getting it cut, it stayed exactly how it was cut. All the time. I was younger and thought. . ."that's some racist shit". But I had to reflect and think, he's not being racist, he's just being white. All of his life, he lived in a very small and white town which had no darker pigmented people. Never saw a black guy get ready for church on Sunday, prepare for his date on Prom Night or ready himself for an interview. He wasn't being racist, he was just being white and hadn't experienced the particulars and nuances of close habitation that he was subject to as a result of playing basketball and rooming with a black guy.

There is a different to being [insert color here] and being a racist. Not all people who ask questions of, have fears about or aren't comfortable with people of another color are racist. It is those who go out of there way to justify their unfounded assumptions, maintain their level of ignorance and encourage the disdain for another simply based on the color of their skin that should be labeled as the racist; for they have truly earned that denigrating title.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Message to The Kids: Don't be Too Smart, You May Not Be President!

Our President to be (am I going out on a limb here?) is having to live down perhaps one of his greatest accomplishments ever; the attainment of higher education despite the odds. Obama is a highly educated individual. Graduate of both Harvard and Columbia Universities, a professor at one of our most prolific academic institutions, The University of Chicago.

What should be considered great accomishments to all Americans, Obama is having to explain away in a sense. Given the denomer of "elitist" and "intellectual", Barack's education and smarts are hindering him.

It makes me question: is mediocrity or being "normal" a qualification for the presidency? Is being "more like us" a must in pursuing the highest office in the land?

Consider that in just about every other field of human endeavour, we not only expect but congratulate and bolster those who have higher levels of thought process. Doctors aren't expected to be "more like us". We require that they are smarter, more intellectual, more keen and astute. Besides these are the people responsible for our lives, our childrens lives, our parents lives. Teachers aren't expected to be "more like us". We expect them to be brighter, able to influence children with their profound intellect, well versed and a example of what our children should be and more importantly what our educational system delivers. Even our professional athletes take aptitude and intellectual exams before being drafted; score poorly and your draft value and subsequent pay drop.

So why is it necessary that our President be more normal, more like us? We expect the President to make the most important decisions. Decisions that effect the not just America but the World (see economic crisis). Why do we want this person to be an average Joe? It bothers me to think that we must settle for less than the best in an effort to appease those who are uncomfortable with Barack's educational attainment.

From as far as I can remember, I've always been told that you can do anything if you acquire higher level education. Are we today telling our children that if you get good grades, go to Columbia, go to Harvard . . . you can do everything . . . except be looked at as a legitimate candidate for the Presidency.

Smart people and smart leaders are smart not because they are the smartest persons amongst their group or organization. But because they were smart enough to go out and get the smartest people (sometimes and in a lot of cases smarter than them even) to be a part of their group or organization. If education is something we as American's cherish and feel is the cornerstone of our growth as the most powerful nation on Earth, then why are we making slight of Obama's educational attainment.

So, this is a warning to the children out there pursuing good grades and hoping to become the first black, female, Hispanic-American or Asian-American president of these United States: Do well . . .but don't do too well, it may come back to haunt you on election day.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Top Ten Things The Republicans Can Do . . . . .

Top Ten Things That Republicans Can Do To Distract Attention from the Fact They Are Losing The Race!

With the second Presidential debate tomorrow. And the Republicans scramming for ways to discredit Obama. I thought I'd do my part and help them with a Top Ten list of how to distract the American public from the race. Undoubtedly everything below is made up, but who cares. . . most of the Republicans arguments and agenda is too.

10. Since they have already lied about his affiliation with "domestic terrorists", make the connection that he runs with Chicago drug dealers since Obama plays recreational basketball . They (drug dealers) play basketball in local Chicago parks . . . and birds of a feather flock together so Obama must hang out with basketball playing drug dealers because he too plays basketball. Yes it's reaching, but they think the American public is stupid any way . . . so why not try it?

9. If that doesn't work. Stress the fact that Obama stays in the same neighborhood as Minister Farrakhan and you're almost certain you saw the both of them sitting on the Minister's front porch, eating watermelon and playing the banjo. It's less than 30 days to the election, you gotta pull out all the stops no matter how racist and wrong they are. It's Smokey the Bear time: McCain/Palin . . . only you can prevent a brother from being in the white house.

8. Swap Tina Fey in for Palin. She's funnier. She says the same things (almost quoting Palin), and the fact that it's on Saturday Night Live and not an actual Presidential Debate makes you comfortable that you think her antics, winks, "golly gee's" and avoiding answering questions is laughable.

7. The next political ad should show Palin sitting at McCain's feet while he reads an 8th grade history book to her about the executive, judicial and legislative parts of the American government. Fade to black . . . screen text says "Yes she doesn't know the limits of the V.P's power . . . but she's got a damn good Maverick mentor to teach her. McCain/Palin '08."

6. From now on, "accidentally" say Barack OSAMA instead of OBAMA. The subliminal, yet accidental message will invoke fear in the America Public. This is sure to get you some points. I mean, Bush did it and we went to war. We're only talking an election here.

5. Jay Z is doing a benefit concert in Detroit this weekend for Obama. This is an excellent time to associate Obama with the likes of Jeezy and Weezy as they are obvious pot heads and even Kanyezee who pulled the infamous "Bush doesn't like Black People" stunt. Say Obama was supposed to be the other guest rapper on the "I Put On" and "Swagger" remixes, but he couldn't get out of the last debate in time.

4. John . . . fake a heartattack!

3. We haven't heard from Michelle in a while. Start a rumor that she is preparing for a Black Panther Revolution.

2. State that Obama's campaign has to be funded illegally. He didn't take the politicall match and still has collected over $450 million. That can't be possible. It has to be funded by underground "oil producing country" representatives. Throw the terrorist in anywhere you can. Trust, the American people is still afraid.

1. Actually talk about the issues. The American public will be so shocked that Obama would become so yesterday in so fast it'll be amazing.

The Republicans Have Gone Too Far. . .

"Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." - Sarah Palin

So. Sarah Palin this past weekend, while at a rally, described Obama as a person who pals around with terrorists. This conclusion a result of his "association" with former domestic terrorist William Ayers (he's now a professsor. . . tells us how worried we are about his past bombings).

Ayers supported Obama early on his career, some many years ( 30 or more ) after being linked to bombings in D.C. These bombings took place when Barack was all of 8 years old, but, unfortunately, the association has excited the Republican party.

Do I blame the Repubs. . . well, not necessarily. This is after all politics and things do get dirty. . . mud does get slung. My discontent however is with the Republican parties absolute disregard for the ramifications of these assertions.

Being a terrorists isn't a easy life. I mean, people are always looking for you (ask Osama). Coupled with the fact that people who don't agree with you, really don't like you . . . even to the extent that they will send an entire countrys military looking for you; destroying cities in search of you (ask Bush).

These are things we may want to keep in mind when accusing/asserting/linking/ or just hinting that someone has or associates with terrorists.

The Republicans however are using it loosely as possible. Do they not understand what such assertions insenuate? Or do they just don't care?

In a country where you can get killed for your nice shoes, bumping a persons hand on the bus, or exchanging some coarse words, you would think that naming someone a terrorist would definitely be considered putting someones life in danger. And that's exactly what it is? Our country is full of zealots. Listen to any AM Radio station, read a blog or visit a website and you will find this to be true. We have people who have, in their minds, made it their responsibility to guard this country from the evils and perils of the world.

Take this perhaps extreme (not in my mind though) example. If you were to announce that a white man, in a stadium full of black rights extremists, was a member of the KKK . . . or even just "palled" around with them, what are the odds that his fate would be bleak? Switch the scenarios with a black man in his place and a white pride extremist group instead and you have the same result. To assert that any person is a terrorist is in fact attaching to them a label which threatens their existence.

And if you think this isn't a purposefully done attempt at associating Barack with terrorism, you're being naive. Check out this story where New York State’s Rensselaer County "accidentally" placed 'Osama' in place of 'Obama'. Three proof-reads couldn't catch it ? Who's name where they making sure were correct if they weren't looking at Obama's and McCain's?

I wonder how much this election means to the Republicans. Is it worth Obama's life? Is it worth their souls?

The Republicans have gone too far!

Black In America . . . Biracial and proud!

"The biracial person personifies the breaking down of racial barriers that so many fought and died for in the civil rights movement." - Grace Gibson (daughter of actress Lynn Whitfield)

Watching the CNN Special Black In America and reading the countless online comments and blogspots, I ran across this one from Grace Gibson, the biracial daughter of Emmy winning actress Lynn Whitfield.

What was interesting to me was the statement quoted above that being biracial is the "personification" of the break down of racial barriers. Hmm. that's strange? I'm pretty certain that at one time being biracial was the evidence of the degrading seperation of the black family. Massa's hands in the cookie jar so to speak. Now don't get me wrong. I have no issues with biracial people. I think it's a rather interesting life to live from two very different perspectives. . . all at the same time. However, I have not yet embraced the idea that being biracial is the "personification" of the dreams, struggles, trials and tribulations that the black race have endured to come as far as they have today. Simply put, being biracial is more significant to the person who is biracial than it is to our society.

Society has not shown the ability to decipher nor distinguish the difference between a black man and a biracial man. They are thrown into the same pot, one in the same, facing many of the same criticisms, ridicule, prejudices and barriers. Society doesn't see the blending of two races. Society's blinders do not permit them to embrace the dynamic cultural diaspora that is the union of two races. Society is far more shallow. Far more resilient to change and acceptance.

On one tangent, in some instances, whites and blacks alike shun the mixing of the races and outcast the offspring of their relationships. In other instances, fairer skinned individuals are placed on pedastals in the communities of the less powerful race of the biracial union for being blessed to look more like the majority is definitely bound to lead to greater opportunities.

Being biracial perhaps is more a reflection of inevitability. . .or at least, a personofication of the fact that we in the end are all God's creatures. To believe that it is the proof that longlasting barriers to entry and acceptance are crumbling before our eyes is farce. It is however to some the realization that despite the consistent efforts by the majority and powers that be to show we are not equal . . . the truth is, we are very much the same.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chico "C-Diddy" Live Remote: 432's SWAG Saturday's

Chico, better know as C-Diddy on the weekends, does live remotes from 432 Entertainment events in Chicago (www.432ent.com).

C-Diddy reports from SWAG Saturday's.

Rob: Chico, it sounds pretty loud there, how's it going?

Chico: It's crunk as hell in here! SWAG Saturday's is the jump-off for real! The crowd is sexy, the deejays hype, there's fine bitches everywhere!

Rob: Chico . . . you can't say that!

Chico: I'm just talking about the female dogs in here! I ain't trying to be disrespectful or nothing! I was raised right!

Rob: Alright. So tell us the real on SWAG Saturday's.

Chico: Look. Where you gonna be able to go to a hot club in Chicago and not have to pay no cover! IT'S PEOPLE EVERYWHERE!

Rob: Oh yeah?

Chico: Yep. Hold on a sec. . . . . . yeah, um , bartender let me get a henessey . . . no ice! And two shots of that patreezy! . . . . Man, I'm telling you it's crunk! The deejay just played my favorite song!

Rob: What's that?

Chico: She got a dunk! She got a dunk! She got a dunk! THEY IN HERE BOUNCIN! BOOTY'S EVERYWHERE!

Rob: What time you leavin?

Chico: Nicca! I'm shuttin' it down! I'm in this joint poppin bottles. That bring's me to something I gotta speak on . . . .BOTTLE SERVICE ETIQUETTE!

Rob: What you mean?

Chico: It's simple. If you aint bought the bottle . . . don't be pouring drinks like you Jim Jones .. . . BALLIN'! These cats straight flossin. If you aint got no paper, it's cool. Get your pre-drink on and come tippin. Don't be free loading off me though. Bottles aint cheap!

Rob: You heated huh?

Chico: Hell yeah. My momma told me they be scheming in the club. She was right. . . Wait. . hold on . . .oh crap. . .my momma just walked in! I gotta roll. I aint sposed to be out this late.

Rob: I thought you was grown.

Chico: Man. Don't matter how old I get. . . she keep getting older too. I'm bout to round up these bit. . . I mean ladies, and head to my cage. Put on that 12 play album . . . .you know the rest!

Rob: Pimpin aint easy. . .

Chico: But it shole is fun.

Chico: Reporting from the DNC and RNC . . .

In his sparetime, Chico is a political correspondent for my blog. Here's his latest report after returning from the Democratic and Republic National Conventions.

Rob: So Chico, you've been gone for quite some time, did you enjoy yourself at the DNC and RNC.

Chico: Yeah, for the most part!

Rob: So, how are the two conventions different.

Chico: Well, I'll just say that if you had invites for both coming to your mailbox. The RNC's would come in a yellow envelope, like a disconnect notice, and the DNC's would be on a flyer with "RSVP for complimentary admission before 11pm"!

Rob: The DNC was crunk huh?

Chico: Paaaaartay! Yo boy came up for real. These fools had a buffet and everything. Them chicken flavored doggie snacks was phy!

Rob: So, what do you think about the RNC's VP candidate?

Chico: Her comparing herself to a pitbull with lipstick is really putting down the pitbull. I've know some cute pitbull's before. You know, they a little hard. . .like a project chick. But they can be a diamond in the rough if you get the right one. She aint that. . .

Rob: Project Chick! Ha, That's funny!

Chico: For real, she's not too bright either. And why are the Republicans hiding her? I mean, put her in front of the media! I tried to get a one on one interview with her, they where hiding her out like she was Bin Laden or something. I mean, I'm Chico! Ask that fool toilet paper, if I got's to get gangsta to get my interview, it's whateva.

Rob: So, from the looks of it, you're voting for Obama right?

Chico: You know. I'm pretty independent in my choices. I pick who's best for what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm on that paper chase. I don't know what your 401k looking like but I took a hit. Purina Dog Chow down like $17. I can't have that. I need change for real. Nickels, dimes, quarters. . . that paper change! These last 8 years been tough.

Rob: Chico, you're only three years old!

Chico: That's human years. I'm 21 for real fool! Why you think I be making it rain at the club. I got ID!

Rob: My bad.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin Sketch: Comedy imitates life . . . . for real!

If you haven't seen this sketch (click the image to check out what CNN is saying about it), it's plain out hilarious.

More hilarious however is how very, very easy it was to mock this VP candidate, even using the words that she said in her interviews with Katie Couric.

That was also the very, very sad part. To be able to quote this woman, not have to edit her lines at all, in an effort to make a joke of it really saddens me.

My question is, do the American women feel this is the person you want representing you and your role in making this country what it is today?

I mean, undoubtedly, women have been the backbone support system of all our great leaders. Not to ignore being great leaders themselves. And the first opportunity for female representation in one of the highest offices and positions not of our country but in the World, and Palin is who we are presented with?

Now let me be clear. The woman may be very smart. She is a Governor. However, you probably sit next to someone at work who is a brilliant mind yet you wouldn't trust them with the keys to your car, let alone the keys to your country.

So I ask Ladies: Are you proud of who could potentially be representing not just our country but your gender? Are her shortcomings something we should ignore?