*this is guaranteed to get me a call from the ADA.
Okay. Frankly I feel as if it's getting out of control. I mean, how many handicapped people can there actually be in one place at one time. The first twenty to thirty spots of most malls, grocery stores, Wal-Marts, etc. are reserved with the blue and white signs depicting someone in a wheelchair. There is no such thing as a quick run to the store because it's going to take you ten minutes to get the the store entrance (not withstanding the fact that there are never enough open checkout lanes and for some reason there always seems to be the most technologically inept individual at the self-service lane who is asking where's the mouse to select the appropriate boxes . . . ON THE TOUCHSCREEN! . . . .but I digress). Is there a disabled convention going on at Target that requires this disproportionate amount of spaces? And why is it that 60% of the persons that park in these spaces seem physically fine? Do they get the placard because of their mental disability (actually. . . if I got my hands on one, I'd use the hell out of it . . .but we're not talking about me).
And then there's the EXPECTED MOTHER'S reserved parking spaces. Couple these with the handicap spaces and I now have to drive to the store parking lot and call a cab to cart me to the front door. Isn't walking good for expected mothers?And it gives them a headstart on shedding those baby pounds after the birth. I'm sort of willing to deal with this because of the volatile temperament of a pregnant woman (anything that would appease them in the little bit is valuable to society as a whole), but this next photo is taking it way to f'in far:
Okay. Frankly I feel as if it's getting out of control. I mean, how many handicapped people can there actually be in one place at one time. The first twenty to thirty spots of most malls, grocery stores, Wal-Marts, etc. are reserved with the blue and white signs depicting someone in a wheelchair. There is no such thing as a quick run to the store because it's going to take you ten minutes to get the the store entrance (not withstanding the fact that there are never enough open checkout lanes and for some reason there always seems to be the most technologically inept individual at the self-service lane who is asking where's the mouse to select the appropriate boxes . . . ON THE TOUCHSCREEN! . . . .but I digress). Is there a disabled convention going on at Target that requires this disproportionate amount of spaces? And why is it that 60% of the persons that park in these spaces seem physically fine? Do they get the placard because of their mental disability (actually. . . if I got my hands on one, I'd use the hell out of it . . .but we're not talking about me).
And then there's the EXPECTED MOTHER'S reserved parking spaces. Couple these with the handicap spaces and I now have to drive to the store parking lot and call a cab to cart me to the front door. Isn't walking good for expected mothers?

WTF! You're telling me that Bank of America is reserving parking spaces for low emission vehicles. You've got to be kidding me! Is this an attempt to show yourself as a a GREEN company of sort? Wanna help the environment? Only give out bank loans to people buying low emission / fuel efficient vehicles. No more loans on BMW 745's that earn you thousands in interest. Nope. No way. BOA is only giving out loans for Toyota Prius type vehicles because we care about the environment. Account holder wants to buy a gas guzzling hummer? Can't do it, not welcome here at the newer, greener BOA. Who cares if revenue received from interest plummets. The air will be cleaner.
My question is, who will we be reserving spaces for next? This space reserved for YMCA V0lunteers? This space reserved for Virgins (. . .there'd be pervert men hanging around the sign all day!)? This space reserved for persons with more that $100K in their account (. . . Good Lord, please let me park in this spot one day soon!).
What spot should be reserved for you?