Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm A Chauvinist . . . And I didn't even know it!

If you know me, I love basketball. I think I'm pretty good at it too (not like NBA/D-League good . . . but one of the first four to get picked from the side good . . . plug!). I'm no longer in the shape I used to be and I probably have lost about 6 inches off my previous 8 inch vertical, but I'm still decent. More importantly, I'm horribly competitive. So despite my noticeable decline in skill, I think I can still hang with the youngins and I thirst for opportunity to play against the best male rec ball players I can.

And thus the reason I am a Chauvinist.

You see, Obama recently received some attention for hosting a basketball game at the White House that was attended by all males. Asked if he was sending the wrong message, Obama stated that the retort was simply "bunk" (what's bunk?).

So in addition to being a socialist muslim with intentions to ruin our nation . . . Obama (and me for that matter) are chauvinists.

I play in three basketball leagues, none of which are co-ed. The only women around are the signficant other's in the stands (my wife is usually there to provide me in-game criticism support) and the lady running the clock (who really doesn't help the female argument as she often starts/stops the clock late because she's texting about nail polish and poodles). I prefer it this way. I think that there are some physical differences in men and women (go figure) that provides a more challenging game with 10 guys on the court. I respect the women's game (my wife has a mean jumper and when we play ball at our gym, I prefer to pick her up because she's usually a much better/smarter player than the other guys . . . despite the size she gives up. And my sister was like All-State and used to be a killer), but I prefer to play with the boys. It's not as if I expect some scantilly clad, top heavy women on the sideline cheering me along (. . .wait . . . nevermind).

So what's the beef? Why is it that Obama has to invite a chick, braud, woman to play with the fellas? Has our Nation become that sensitive to everything? And because he's the POTUS, does that mean that he can't have "guy time"? Will they ever give this guy a break?

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Problem with America: It's People . . .

The people of America have no clue what they want. You can easily decipher this from the headlines and news stories that show the teeter totter of American opinion of our President, his administration's policy and efforts and our stance on societal issues. Perhaps all that can be concluded is that we are a nation of uncertainty. Our passion for individualism sometimes falls victim to our collective aspirations, and vice versa.

For example, not more than a year ago, we sat appalled at the actions and decision making taken by high level executives who, while begging the American public for taxpayer funded bailout assistance, flew costly corporate jets to hearings with Congress, held lavish retreats at plush resorts and paid themselves millions of dollars in bonuses for a job not-so-well done. We wanted them ran up the pole and shunned for their inconsiderate and greedy behavior. Turn the clock forward and the POTUS' Pay Czar begins to take proactive action to limit the executive compensation packages that are based on presence and not performance and the American People call for revolution as the Government is overstepping their boundaries, meddling in private capital markets. We don't know where we stand and thus we don't stand for much at all.

Consider the recently discovered fraud in the tax credit for housing purchases (which found that several four year old's took out home loans last year according to their taxes . . . . right, go back and read that again). The American people, many of which who bit off more than they could chew regarding their home loans, called for the Government to step in to assist the victims of the mortgage debacle. The Government offered assistance by laying out tax credits to encourage continued lending and purchasing. What occurred? Lenders slowed the distribution of credit to the point that the process moved like molasses. And the American people. The people who were afraid that rampant foreclosure would drive their home prices down. Those people who begged the Government to step in and protect their investments. Those are the same people who took advantage of Government implemented assistance by having Fluffy the family cat claim an $8,000 tax credit and receive a $10,000 check in the mail (I wonder how Fluffy signed for that?). And after doing so, those same people gathered at town hall meetings clamoring that the Government through health care reform would be able to check their account balances in their private checking account. Are we this scared or just plain stupid?

Socially, We The People exclaim inclusiveness. Yet we define inclusiveness based on those who think like us, talk like us, walk like us, act like us, eat like us, live like us and make love like us. A measure sits on Obama's desk asking that a hate-crimes law with regards to crimes against persons based on their sexual orientation be ratified. The American people who's Constitution asserts that "all men are created equal " have balked at the notion that "all men" may include gay men or gay women. Their claims: that conservative speech against abortion and homosexuality will be stifled. CNN reports that 77,000 hate crimes were reported last year. 77,000. And the American People's concern is the ability for conservatives and religious groups to run anti-abortion ads? How minuscule does that measure up to the 77,000 who were victims of said crime? Is their rebuttal exemplary of the inclusiveness that they say exists in the fabric of our nation? Or is that garment something that is torn and tattered by the truth and reality that our nation is much more divided than we ever could imagine?

The problem with America. It's people. A people born of a desire to be free of tyranny yet willing to ostracize at will. A people committed to lending a helping hand but only to those who's ideology, values and party affiliation match the hand that is being lent. The problem with America. It's people. A people who have yet to commit to their nation's founding documents which have become more mission statement than binding vision and commitment to the people which it governs.

Friday, October 16, 2009

That's like the POTUS calling the kettle . . . . white!

So, Senator McCain is a bit perplexed that President Obama hasn't replied to his, not one, but two requests for a post-humous pardon for Jack Johnson. If you don't know who Jack Johnson is, click here then smack yourself for not being up on your black history. Jack Johnson was the Tyson . . . no Holyfield . . . . no Lewis . . . nope, I got it. . . . Ali of his time. Born of slaves, Johnson was a beast in the ring. No question are today's athletes bigger, faster and perhaps stronger. But none of them go 20 rounds, yes, 20 rounds in a fight! Jack Johnson was the reason a "Great White Hope" was coveted. Cause he was knocking the holy hope out of white boxers for years. The man caused race riots by beating the crap out of people. Made Congress pass legislation that outlawed filming of fights because of the many white men he was knocking out. And the kicker. He was smart. Considerably smart (this may have been more scary than his ability to punch you out back in those days).

But he had a flaw. The Kobe flaw. He loved him some white women. He eventually fled the states after being charged (twice) for taking women across state lines for "immoral purposes" (good thing they still don't chase people down for this. so many rap stars would be in jail that they could host prison yard concerts to cover the expenses of the entire Federal Penitentary System). But not only did he court women. He courted women of the most taboo persuasion. WHITE WOMEN! And he married them too! THREE TIMES! And he wasn't ashamed to let the world know that "once you go black, you never go back" as he touted his muscle in the bedroom.

Anyhow, Back to Senator McCain.

First and foremost, I must say I respect McCain. I think he's a stand up and noble guy, a war veteran and a all-around good dude (despite his "that one" f'up in the debates). I even support his efforts at the posthumous pardon. But I can't help but think, why is he giving Obama so much stress about this?

First is the fact that this isn't the first request for the Jack Johnson pardon. They asked G'Dubbya to do so, didn't happen. Not only did it not happen . . . but I bet you didn't even here about it (I know I didn't). Wouldn't it have been a more poignant statement for a white Senator and President to have got this done? Second is the inevitable retort that will come as a result of Obama answering his request. If Obama doesn't do it, he'd be sacrificed by the media as not having a respect for his black past. If he does do it, Obama is attempting to create reparations for all the prejudice and racism that has befallen black people. The POTUS can't win.

So, after all the many years of racism and prejudice that black men have received, they now (through our POTUS) have to apologize for it? The posthumous pardon is a sign of great respect and perhaps more importantly provides a sense of closure for the wrongly accused family and descendants. But how many post-humous pardons must be given out for the mistreatment, false accusal and imprisonment of black men (yesterday and today) to be rectified. That's not to say that they shouldn't be done. I just think it's a little perhaps. . . awkward. . . for someone to ask the first Black POTUS to say "I'm Sorry" on the government's behalf for the mistreatment of one of Black America's greatest figures.

But what can you expect.

Learn more about Jack Johnson here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

On The (Sorta) Lighter Side: Meet Trichelle - The New Black Barbie!

I'm going to get it for this one.

I wonder how much fun Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Saturday Night Live (. . .actually, I'd probably love the Saturday Night Live joint) is going to have with Trichelle. I can see it now.

Glenn Beck reporting on the new black Barbie:

"He put the Mattel folks up to it like he was pressing for Chicago to get the Olympics. Why? Because Obama hates white male America! And what better way to get at white male America than to make a supple skinned, full lipped, flared nose sexy and attractive Barbie doll that'll have young white girls wanting to grow firm rumps, have wide hips and weave. No Beyonce booty for our little white daughters Obama! We'll keep the flatback. We're not fooled by your attempts to indoctrinize our young white boys with the desire of this biatch black Barbie. First you make Serena, with her thick legs and rear, number one in professional woman's tennis. Now this. To all the little white men our there. Don't fall for it. Don't fall for the sensual taste of the black woman like Bill Maher fell for superhead. Fight the urge. Don't break up the white familial structure. Please don't let Obama win you over with Trichelle."

Rush Limbaugh reporting on the new black Barbie:

"The Black Barbie has landed. The world must reject Trichelle. She is not American. American women don't have flair and style like that. And Trichelle. If that isn't an attempt to appease Barack Hussein Obama I don't know what is! They practically named the doll after his wife. I'm afraid for our nation. If we make an aspiring black Barbie that is coveted like all other Barbies, you know what could happen. [whispers] They may think they could aspire too. They just may think that being black is beautiful. And for the love of our nation. We don't need that!"

Why Not Marie (. . . and I know I'm biased)?

I'm for the black Barbie. My cynical attitude understands that this black Barbie is merely an attempt at tapping into the black economy. But hey! It is what it is. I just don't know if people put enough thought in it. Does the black barbie, with fuller lips and wider nose have to have hip hop clothing? Can't she wear cardigans and flats clothes like the white Barbie? And why must she always have a little sister in tow? Where's mom? They say it's because she's "mentoring" but really. . . . really?

And why Trichelle? I deplore the idea that this is so common in the black community. If I take a sample of my closest friends girlfriends, fiancee's or wives, I don't come up with that. My wife's name is Marie, my good friends Kobie, Jeff, Sacramento and Chip ladies' are named Kenya, Niela, Tiffany and Stephanie. That's a 2 of 5. Wait. . .that's 40%. hmm. Maybe I need a larger sample set. But anyhow, you get my point. I don't want our young daughters thinking names like Lemonjello, Lercretia, Alize and Qiona ( . . .however I did just see an Asian girl of Wheel of Fortune with that name) are the norm. Can we get more Ashley's, Jill's, Marie's, Cathy's, Heather's in the black name database.

My other concern is what's going to be the outcome of the revamped black "Ken" doll? Is it going to be some 6' 2", ripped, basketball playing, fast running, barely got his GED, slanging, 24" rims riding, 9mm Gloc packing, five baby momma having Wesley Snipes black . . black dude . . . . with cornrows (the name of the doll would be Micheal Vick). Where does it stop?

This blog rant sponsored by Mattel. Black Barbie doll sold seperately. Baggage, issues due to lack of father in the household, processed hair, issues with constant plight for independency, two baby's by two different baby daddy's and section 8 housing not included.