The pit bull can't talk or write.
In one of the latest "Keeping them Honest" exposes, Palin is shown to be very ecstatic about getting over on the Federal government. Oops (click the image to the right).
There's a couple things that makes the Palin choice somewhat ridiculous to me (but more egregious is the fact that the American people are actually falling for it).
The GOP is asking that we ignore the fact that she is governor of the state with the 47th largest population (Alaska only beats out Vermont, Wyoming and North Dakota). I mean, it isn't her fault that people don't want to live on ice in frigid weather, right?
They ask us to ignore her exclaimed side swapping on issues, want us to have faith in a person that they don't even have faith putting in front of interviewers, and expect us to ignore the GOP's obvious indecisiveness with respect to what makes you "experience eligible" to be in the white house.
But all these things I expect. . . we are in a Political race and the mud will be slung.
However, my true dissapointment comes in how the American people are reacting to this play on their emotions and in my opinion, prejudices. I mean, the polls actually got closer after this announcement was made (or so they - - the pollsters - - say).
For example, any questioning of Palin's family or religious views and it's a vicious attack on a female for being female. What? We damn near tarred and feathered Obama for Rev. Wright(Wrong) and noone came to his offense. Put Michelle on the cover of The New Yorker as a sister soldier figure right out a blackxpolation film and not a word. Satirical humor it was. Asking questions, picking apart their lives and digging deep SHOULD BE WHAT IS EXPECTED of a candidate for the highest office in the world.
From the beginning, I have stated that my biggest fear is not something under the rug that would be found out about Obama. My fear is that what many of us have known for the majority of our lives will become more prevalent than in the 60's. PREJUDICE exists!
When you scrutinize Obama, you have to deal with the fact that most of your concerns about this man are superficial. Even I looked at him with an awkward eye at first. Is this dude real? Can he care about everyone like he does? But after months and months of prodding, he still stands tall, valiant and humble in every instance. Yes, it is amazing.
So people start searching for reasons to not believe. And what better reason not to vote for Obama than to throw a good ol, small town, Ms. Alaska or whatever in the mix to play on the prejudices that have been driven into the minds of Obama's naysayers since birth. 8 years of government down-turn? Ignore it . . we've got a white female in the show now? Economy on the brink of failure and Soldiers in war for nothing? Ingore it .. . we've got a pit bull in lipstick . . she can woo our stock prices up and Bin Laden out his cave with a smile! I only hope (and pray) that the American people aren't as simple as they seem to be in the first few weeks of the Palin announcment. We're smarter than this. I have faith in that. . . .
And if not, I'm moving to France!
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