Top Ten Things That Republicans Can Do To Distract Attention from the Fact They Are Losing The Race!
With the second Presidential debate tomorrow. And the Republicans scramming for ways to discredit Obama. I thought I'd do my part and help them with a Top Ten list of how to distract the American public from the race. Undoubtedly everything below is made up, but who cares. . . most of the Republicans arguments and agenda is too.
10. Since they have already lied about his affiliation with "domestic terrorists", make the connection that he runs with Chicago drug dealers since Obama plays recreational basketball . They (drug dealers) play basketball in local Chicago parks . . . and birds of a feather flock together so Obama must hang out with basketball playing drug dealers because he too plays basketball. Yes it's reaching, but they think the American public is stupid any way . . . so why not try it?
9. If that doesn't work. Stress the fact that Obama stays in the same neighborhood as Minister Farrakhan and you're almost certain you saw the both of them sitting on the Minister's front porch, eating watermelon and playing the banjo. It's less than 30 days to the election, you gotta pull out all the stops no matter how racist and wrong they are. It's Smokey the Bear time: McCain/Palin . . . only you can prevent a brother from being in the white house.
8. Swap Tina Fey in for Palin. She's funnier. She says the same things (almost quoting Palin), and the fact that it's on Saturday Night Live and not an actual Presidential Debate makes you comfortable that you think her antics, winks, "golly gee's" and avoiding answering questions is laughable.
7. The next political ad should show Palin sitting at McCain's feet while he reads an 8th grade history book to her about the executive, judicial and legislative parts of the American government. Fade to black . . . screen text says "Yes she doesn't know the limits of the V.P's power . . . but she's got a damn good Maverick mentor to teach her. McCain/Palin '08."
6. From now on, "accidentally" say Barack OSAMA instead of OBAMA. The subliminal, yet accidental message will invoke fear in the America Public. This is sure to get you some points. I mean, Bush did it and we went to war. We're only talking an election here.
5. Jay Z is doing a benefit concert in Detroit this weekend for Obama. This is an excellent time to associate Obama with the likes of Jeezy and Weezy as they are obvious pot heads and even Kanyezee who pulled the infamous "Bush doesn't like Black People" stunt. Say Obama was supposed to be the other guest rapper on the "I Put On" and "Swagger" remixes, but he couldn't get out of the last debate in time.
4. John . . . fake a heartattack!
3. We haven't heard from Michelle in a while. Start a rumor that she is preparing for a Black Panther Revolution.
2. State that Obama's campaign has to be funded illegally. He didn't take the politicall match and still has collected over $450 million. That can't be possible. It has to be funded by underground "oil producing country" representatives. Throw the terrorist in anywhere you can. Trust, the American people is still afraid.
1. Actually talk about the issues. The American public will be so shocked that Obama would become so yesterday in so fast it'll be amazing.
9 years ago
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