I listen to AM radio a lot.
A whole lot. Each morning on my drive to work (which I don't suggest doing if you work with a disproportionate amount of conservatives) and each night on my drive home. It probably contributes to about 60% of the arguments I have in my household simply because I am so infuriated by the time I get out the car that just saying "hi" to me might get your head snapped off. . . literally.
I have come to the conclusion that as a result of the election of President Obama,
liberal is the new
'N' word. The proliferation of

the use of liberal in Conservative AM Radio is so abundant that hearing it invokes a rage in me similiar to the feeling I got when I first watched the movie
Rosewood starring Ving Rhames (Yea, it's gotten that bad). You can hear it in their tone. Obama's
LIBERAL cabinet is ruining our country! The
LIBERALS are only looking for a handout! The
LIBERALS have taken over the NBA! - - - Okay, that last one was a little bit of a reach, but you get what I'm saying.
They're acting as if Obama has opened up the doors to the white house, replaced the furniture with
wicker chairs, put
plastic on the couch, hung the obligatory
picture in the brandy snifter on the mantel and fired up the barbeque pit on the front porch!
And I'd think more of them if they went ahead and used the 'N' word. Don't hide it. Get gangsta about it!
The NIGGERS LIBERALS have taken countrol of the Senate! The
The NIGGERS LIBERALS are starting socialism in America! The
The NIGGERS LIBERALS are stealing our white women! - - - Okay, that last one was a bit of a reach too, but you get what I'm saying!
Liberal is the new "that one" in
McCain speak. I'm no fool. I won't be had, won't be took, not hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, or run amuck ( - - - fist raised high in the air - - - ). I see the writing on the wall.
*The views expressed here are those of the authors and should not be attributed to Blogger. We apologize for any discomfort you may have had reading this post. These liberals can get a bit out of hand sometime.
Love the disclaimer. But you're right about everything!
Personally, I thought this article was ridiculous. Perhaps one thing is being said and something else is being impilied, who cares? So long as the n-word itself isn't being used, let them imply all they want. There isn't another word in the English language that can be subsituted for the n-word.
So, something like a nigger is okay as long as you don't say the actual word? Implied racism is cool as long as it isn't blatant outright racism? Funny thing is, there are few acts of flat out prejudice in this world anymore, most of it's hidden, built in and covert . . . does that decrease the significance of it?
Hell to the no its not ok! Covert or outright... that ish still has the same implied meaning & still is disrespectful. In my opinion, the only way the racism will stop, is either people will need to become more open-minded, or you will just have to keep checkin' folks. Sometimes people need a little help...
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