First, read this:
XXXIV. Parents Fearing Obama’s School Speech

Great post by the good brother Damon Smith. He has a great knack for saying what needs to be said in a way that can be accepted. I pride myself on my ability to be able to tell people that they're stupid without using the word 'stupid' as well. But not this time. So I begin . . .
Parents Fearing Obama's School Speech:
You're stupid.
Normally i would try to say this to you in a manner in which I'm smiling while saying it, using big words that your dumbass wouldn't comprehend anyhow . . . wait. . . . that your dumbass wouldn't comprehend anyhow and with a tone that isn't by any means threatening or scary.
Not this time.
What did you think he was going to do, give your kids a thesis on Karl Marx and Fidel Castro's approach to effective government while sending them home with pamphlets highlighting socialism like he was a Jehovah's Witness or something? Have a hypnotic spiral playing in the background while constantly reciting in a monotone voice, "I am your leader! Pay for my health care! Buy a GM or Chrysler! Caring for one another is good !" Did you not think the teachers and principals you trust your kids with each and every day, THE MEDIA, anyone. . . would be standing guard? You give Obama waayyyy too much credit. Yes he's perhaps one of the most charismatic Presidents we've ever had, but dude isn't Bishop Don Magic Juan. He won't have your kid on the block selling ass!
I need an explanation from one of you. Just one of you. Hopefully someone with half a brain. . . . dang, Hopefully one of you with half a brain, as to why you thought this was a bad idea. But please don't insult me with the "ideology" defense for your actions. President's of recent past have shown the ability to provide a message to students which are without political agenda or partisanship. Why wouldn't Obama be able to do the same. Bush II could. And he's about as smart as those two fools on Real Chance of Love.
And I hate Bush II. I really hate him. With a passion (. . . have I expressed how much I hate him?). But if while he was President, or even today as steward of his ranch, I would jump at the chance of my child hearing the President speak, let alone speak in person (and so would some of you idiots as evidence is provided by this asinine notion here). Why? Because I respect our nation and just as important our President and leader.
Our country was no less divided when Reagan, Bush I or Bush II spoke to our students so the notion that our leadership would be motivated (or even willing) to encourage their partisan beliefs upon schoolchildren is idiotic. So what's the reason? Do you feel that strongly about the health care plan? Bailout? Van Jones? I know what it is. And I'm not afraid to say it.
You have not dealt with your issues on racism and the fact that the leader of the free world, the most powerful country that exists, is a black man. You will attempt to deny it. But you can't. You don't have a justified reason for your assumptions and actions. The White House put the speech out before so that you can review it, read it, make your mind up about it, etc. They did so despite the fact that you probably don't know what your kid's teachers' lesson plan is today. The teacher could be reading excerpts from Orwell's 1984 (you probably don't even know what book that is) or the Bible today and you wouldn't have a clue. It's because you wouldn't care. The nation has a 30% drop out rate. That is evidence that you parents aren't well engaged in what is going on in the classroom of our schools. That's because you're spending hours at town hall meetings talking about Obama's euthanasia health care reform package that will permit the government to kill your unborn child because they can't produce a birth certificate to verify that they're a US citizen! Dumbass.
[ breathe. . . ]
So to all you parents who thought that this was a bad idea. I have a secret to tell you. During the speech, a high frequency message was being played that can only be heard by children of conservative Americans that voted against Obama encouraging them to create living wills that give all their inheritance to needy underprivileged children before moving to Waco, Texas and joining a cult and staging the largest mass suicide ever. Don't believe them when they say they're staying at their friend's house this weekend. It's a lie.
Your President.

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