Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why God is Necessary?

I believe there is a God. I believe he worries about each and everyone of us. I believe that he sets each and everyone of us on a path toward greatness from the moment we take our first breath. I believe he has high expectations of us and are disappointed when we do not meet those expectations, as any good parent would be. But what if there wasn't a God? What if our being here was the result of chance and time passed. What if all that we have accomplished as the human race was not a plan of the Almighty, but succession alone?

Perhaps this explains some of the tragedy and turmoil that we are facing today. Because without a God, without a Supreme being for which you would expect to have to answer to, the choices that we make would culminate without repercussion. This is why God is necessary.

I have lost a portion of my faith in the last several years. Not faith in God almighty. My faith in him as the guiding light has become more strong in these recent times. I have lost some of my faith in the goodness of people. I have lost some of my faith that by treating people right and making decisions and choices which are absorbed in self, you are guaranteed reciprocation. More than ever before do I feel that the goodness and sensibility that we are provided with isn't enough for man to behave in a fashion respectful of other men. This is why God is necessary.

I am an opinionated person (hence the blog). However, I have never felt so strongly of any opinion that I felt it necessary to make my opinion, feelings, state of mind and perspective heard by taking the life of another. We read, watch and listen to news stories daily about the War of Religion being waged in the Middle East. Persons who, because of their passion for their beliefs, feel it necessary to take the lives of others. This is why God is necessary.

President Obama stated at the Fort Hood Memorial yesterday that, "No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor, And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice -- in this world and the next."

No matter where you stand on religion. No matter what belief you maintain or deity you kneel before, God is necessary so that we in the least have a feeling that someone is watching us and will take note of how we have lived. Day in and day out, we prove that we don't have the ability to govern ourselves. From the beginning of time, we have shown that free will is a gift that, for some, is too much to handle.

And on this Veteran's day, after reliving the most recent tragedy which has occured at Fort Hood, we are constantly reminded that God is necessary. If not for the sole reason that because of their belief in God's grace, we will continue to have brave men and women who enlist to protect us.

Thank God for making these golden men and women feel it necessary to put their lives on the line for our country in his name.


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