Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Only People More Ignorant Than Sarah Palin . . . .Are the American People!

I've been in a blog lull lately. Got too much going on in my life. Obviously Sarah Palin doesn't. She's back in the news, clammoring for attention like an outcast she is. Its' appalling. But what's more appalling is the fact that this woman has lost less fans and endorsement than Tiger Wood's did after his scandal broke.

If you're a Palin fan. Watch this video.

Now ask yourself, is this who you want to be part of the leadership of Ameriac? Perhaps her lip gloss and tailored ladies suits have put you in a state of shock and awe greater than that of the Desert Storm campaign. . . but seriously . . . seriously! How has she earned your respect? Perhaps the question is of too large a scope. How about this. Would you trust this woman to be the financial facilitator of your pension plan? You see. It's much more personal now. The United States will be okay. The POTUS' power is rooted in the people and the senators and congressmen that fall under him. He can't get too radical lest he be tarred and feathered. But what if she was solely responsible for ensuring that you had a check coming each month after retirement? Would you trust the lady in the video above?

The Woman Said She's Read "All of " the Magazines!

Who reads every magazine? What do you do for work? Read magazines? No . . . you're the Governor of Alaska. Governor's have things read to them. And I guarantee your staff isn't reading each and every magazine to you.

You don't believe me? You think I'm making this up? Here's a little more.

American People. I implore you reconsider. Everything that glitters isn't gold. It could be the shine of a piece of jagged shrapnel you're about to put your hands on. Be careful.


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