Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Types of Women You Should Limit or Have No Conversation With if In a Relationship!

*Although this is written from the male perspective, it applies to women as well.

Women That Find You Attractive:

Neither women or men stop finding other people attractive as a result of their being in a relationship. It's just real. The blinders to pretty notion is a farce. You don't stop seeing them (actually, you might notice them a bit more depending on if you had a fight with your mate before leaving home). More pressing is that you don't stop being attractive either. Think about it, someone found you attractive enough to claim you (and if married . . . claim you for their foreseeable life). And if you're a guy, chances are for the length of your relationship, you have been receiving hints, tips and cues (subconscious or direct) that have contributed to increasing your attractiveness (women like to keep their men looking nice and will offer suggestions to do so. Be real, you weren't getting manicures every two weeks before her). Nevertheless, it is imperative that you limit conversation with this type of woman to minimal at best. Let me be clear, it's not that you have any intentions with said woman, but that doesn't account for hers. In addition, being flattered by someones appreciation for your style, looks, attitude or personality inherently causes you to put that person on a higher plateau . . . simply because they like you. And everyone, no matter their relationship status, likes to know that someone is checking them out. Keep your conversations with this type of woman limited. Their attraction to you is not likely to subside just because you're cuffed up. These women are subtle in their advances as well.

Things that should make the DANGER alarm go off in your head:

"You look very nice today" (x3) - - - - thanks, but damn, stop jockin!
"I wish my guy dressed like you do"
Laughing at every one of your jokes - - - - Dude, no one is that funny!
She starts every conversation with, "So . . Where's your girl?"

Women Who Are Needy:

This type of woman always has a man problem. Dude's too short, can't lay it down, is a player, not focused, doesn't respect her time, ain't progressing his life, doesn't go to church, too fat, too skinny, too bald, doesn't dress well, etc. (little does she recognize that she ain't on isht and thus keep attracting dudes who ain't on isht). For some reason, she always shares her inner most relationship issues with you hoping you will be her be her hero and offer some guidance, dick or advice.

Things that should make the DANGER alarm go off in your head:

"I wish I could find someone like you"
"Really . . . I just need a friend" - - - - Is you serious? (yes. . . I intentionally said "Is you")

Tears. . . . tears from a woman that isn't yours is a warning!

"Could you come over and talk for a while" - - - - Heffa, it's 2am!

Women Who Are In A "It's All About Me Place":

These are usually single women who for various reasons aren't looking for anything serious in a man or relationship. They are living their lives for them and them alone. These are perhaps the most dangerous type of single women out there. They honestly just don't give a damn. You could sit down with them and profess your love for the woman you are with for hours and it wouldn't discourage their advances in the least. They are the type of woman that proliferates the premise of "girls always want guys who already have girls". Your relationship status, if conflicting with their immediate needs for companionship in whatever form, is inconsequential. DO NOT HOLD CONVERSATION WITH THIS TYPE OF WOMAN AT ALL! It isn't as if they are motivated by your relationship status. No, they don't want you because you have a woman. They just could care less if you or any other man that is the focus of their attention for the five minute period of your encounter is in a relationship. It's all about them. And when they are done with you, no matter how much turmoil, strife and trouble they have brought to your life, they will discard you like a pair of flip-flops they got from the nail shop after getting a pedicure.

Things that should make the DANGER alarm go off in your head:

"See, I ain't like most women. I don't put such a stigma on sex. I mean. . everyone's doing it!"

"It's whateva" - - - - Run man, RUN!

"Really. You're Married? Nice. Anyway . . ."


Anonymous said...

All salient arguments. There are too many women out there who don't care about your relationship, or they care enough to want to screw it up.

That's a major part of why so many men cheat. You can draw parallels to the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve. That temptation will get to a man, eventually.

Good post.

Shawnta` said...

Good post. I agree; this goes for women in relationships as well. Your danger signs are right and more often than not, our instinctual alarms go off before a line is crossed with an out of pocket comment.

@tmcy - you're also right; either they don't care or care just enough to ruin it. Sad but true.

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