Friday, October 10, 2008

The Republicans Have Gone Too Far. . .

"Our opponent though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country." - Sarah Palin

So. Sarah Palin this past weekend, while at a rally, described Obama as a person who pals around with terrorists. This conclusion a result of his "association" with former domestic terrorist William Ayers (he's now a professsor. . . tells us how worried we are about his past bombings).

Ayers supported Obama early on his career, some many years ( 30 or more ) after being linked to bombings in D.C. These bombings took place when Barack was all of 8 years old, but, unfortunately, the association has excited the Republican party.

Do I blame the Repubs. . . well, not necessarily. This is after all politics and things do get dirty. . . mud does get slung. My discontent however is with the Republican parties absolute disregard for the ramifications of these assertions.

Being a terrorists isn't a easy life. I mean, people are always looking for you (ask Osama). Coupled with the fact that people who don't agree with you, really don't like you . . . even to the extent that they will send an entire countrys military looking for you; destroying cities in search of you (ask Bush).

These are things we may want to keep in mind when accusing/asserting/linking/ or just hinting that someone has or associates with terrorists.

The Republicans however are using it loosely as possible. Do they not understand what such assertions insenuate? Or do they just don't care?

In a country where you can get killed for your nice shoes, bumping a persons hand on the bus, or exchanging some coarse words, you would think that naming someone a terrorist would definitely be considered putting someones life in danger. And that's exactly what it is? Our country is full of zealots. Listen to any AM Radio station, read a blog or visit a website and you will find this to be true. We have people who have, in their minds, made it their responsibility to guard this country from the evils and perils of the world.

Take this perhaps extreme (not in my mind though) example. If you were to announce that a white man, in a stadium full of black rights extremists, was a member of the KKK . . . or even just "palled" around with them, what are the odds that his fate would be bleak? Switch the scenarios with a black man in his place and a white pride extremist group instead and you have the same result. To assert that any person is a terrorist is in fact attaching to them a label which threatens their existence.

And if you think this isn't a purposefully done attempt at associating Barack with terrorism, you're being naive. Check out this story where New York State’s Rensselaer County "accidentally" placed 'Osama' in place of 'Obama'. Three proof-reads couldn't catch it ? Who's name where they making sure were correct if they weren't looking at Obama's and McCain's?

I wonder how much this election means to the Republicans. Is it worth Obama's life? Is it worth their souls?

The Republicans have gone too far!


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